Anesthesiology, anaesthesiology, anaesthesia or anaesthetics (see Terminology)
is the medical specialty concerned with the total perioperative care of patients before, during and after surgery.
The department provides International evidence based anaesthesia cover, intensive critical care, pain and palliative care services to all the departments of the hospital.
The department has set up its own high standards in patient care. All operations theatres are equipped with state of the art anaesthesia workstations, infusion pumps, facilities for multi-parameter monitoring and invasive monitoring like arterial pressure, CVP, ICP monitoring etc, along with dedicated staff and technicians. Post operative care unit adjoining the operation theatre is equipped with modern ventilators, multi-parameter monitors, a dedicated laboratory, crash carts, patient controlled analgesia systems, infusion pumps etc, manned 24 hours by a dedicated and trained team.
Referred patients scheduled for surgeries or investigative procedures are being screened regularly in the pre anaesthesia clinic for their optimisation and surgical fitness. In the Pain Medicine section, patients suffering from acute or chronic pain are referred for treatment and facilities for various modalities of pain management are available. Similarly, Palliative care services are also provided on referral basis.